Help is Just a Call Away

Free 24 hour confidential helpline: 0800 783 2808 Health Assured is a confidential phone counselling service (free with unlimited use) with highly trained professional specialists providing comprehensive assistance, information, advice and counselling on problems that could be affecting your home life or work life, health and general well-being. You can call about anything that is troubling you whether…


Pre-school Childcare Provision

A dedicated team is now on hand at Cambridgeshire County Council to signpost parents to available options, including childcare provided by nurseries and childminders. If you are a critical worker and in need of childcare support, please contact the Family Information Service on: Cambridgeshire – 0345 045 1360 Peterborough – 01733 864446  %MCEPASTEBIN%


Joint statement from Chief Executives of statutory regulators of health and care professionals on how they will continue to regulate in light of novel coronavirus (COVID-19)

We recognise that in highly challenging circumstances, professionals may need to depart from established procedures in order to care for patients and people using health and social care services.

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